Tasks of the Agriculture, Fish and Food Committee
Explanatory Introduction: - The tasks of the committee were first established in July 2005. And expanded its functions in October 2009. By adding several productive sectors. Then the committee returned to its previous name and amended its tasks and competencies as follows in January 2011. According to the work plan of the Federation Commetties for the year 2011.
Agricultural companies and productive farms
Fish and fish processing companies
Livestock and livestock
Poultry: farms and factories
Feed factories and laboratories and their companies, and private veterinary services centers.
Companies specialized in importing and marketing agricultural, fish, livestock and poultry
- Companies specialized in importing and marketing agricultural, fish, livestock and poultry machinery and equipment. And companies specialized in importing and marketing seeds and fertilizers.
- Basic food service units (restaurants and bakeries)
Grain mills and silos.
- Water production companies and irrigation regulation (not including mineral water factories)
Small projects that he establishes for the private sector and their affairs.
2- The tasks and competencies of the Committee on Agriculture, Fish and Food in establishing the “Food Division” affiliated to the Committee, and the contribution of the private sector to the implementation of the National Program for Food Security, and as a secretariat for the General Union regarding the joint work of the “Food Council” with the state. And similar joint commissions and committees with governmental or international agencies related to food aspects.
3- The Committee supervises the work and activities of its Food Division. Which consists of trading companies for basic foodstuffs: wheat, flour, grains, rice, edible oils, sugar, tea. And this is in coordination with the leadership of the Federation, its general management and the Trade Committee.
4 - The Committee monitors the situation of farms, companies and private sector institutions in agriculture, fish and food and works to achieve their interests and solve problems and difficulties they face through the Federation and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
5- The Agriculture, Fish and Food Committee is considered the specialized committee concerned mainly with consumer issues with regard to the main foodstuffs. And related price and inflation issues, in coordination with the Trade Committee.
6- The committee works on developing and improving the activity of farms, companies, institutions and economic units working in food, agriculture and fish in terms of organization, management, mechanization, quality of technology and means of work. And exchanging expertise and experiences among them, which leads to the advancement of their activities.
7- The committee works to unify private sector companies, institutions, farms and laboratories in its affiliated sector according to specialization, type of work and activity, and to serve the organization of those sectors and groups working in them and solving the problems and difficulties they face. Coordination with the Board of Directors, the President of the Union, the General Administration of the Union and the rest of the committees to enhance the effectiveness of the activity of all sectors of agriculture, fish and food affiliated to the private sector.
8- The Committee cooperates through the Federation and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry with the relevant official authorities for the sectors and categories of the private sector that fall within the scope of its competence, for example, but not limited to: the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Fisheries, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Agricultural Cooperative Federation and Fisheries Cooperative Union, and others. And in a manner that serves the national economy and develops the role of the private sector in the relevant fields.
9- Small projects established by members of the private sector in various industrial, commercial and service activities are considered vital in the work of the committee, and the committee must establish its own division to follow up its affairs, especially new small projects established by private sector members that require assistance them in the initial feasibility studies and in providing loans and financial support for the establishment of these projects.
10- The committee works on developing agricultural, fish and animal guidance and direction in the relevant private sector facilities, raising food security awareness, rationalizing consumption, and protecting the consumer.
11- Working with small and large associations and cooperatives established by members of the private sector working in the sectors of agriculture, fish, food and small projects to coordinate with regard to the tasks of the committee, and the committee works to coordinate with it, develop its work and support it with the available capabilities.
12- The Committee shall work to end the obstacles faced by the sectors and categories of the private sector affiliated to it, whether these obstacles are general economic. Or related to laws and regulations pertaining to this sector or that category. Including obstacles in the existing official transactions. As well as official and commercial transactions with them.
13- Training and qualifying workers from the private sector working in the sectors of agriculture, fish, food and small projects by benefiting from the training programs provided by the Federation, chambers of commerce, government agencies, international organizations, or brotherly and friendly countries.
14- Participation in local, Arab and international exhibitions and events related to the committee’s supervision and tasks, and organizing internal and external exhibitions in coordination with the leadership of the federation and the concerned specialized committees. Carrying out studies and research on the economic activity of the sectors and categories to which they belong, and providing information about them to members of the Federation and others, in a manner that also serves investors in this field.
15- The Committee works to provide support to the sectors and groups of the private sector working in the sectors affiliated to the Committee and to encourage and develop and modernize their work, including encouraging and promoting investment in those sectors and with these groups.